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Associating with Heritage Development is a sure guarantee for the success of your event.

We frown on mediocrity and employ the highest professional resources and tools in meeting the expectations of our clients.

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Associating with Heritage Development is a sure guarantee for the success of your event.

We frown on mediocrity and employ the highest professional resources and tools in meeting the expectations of our clients.

Get in touch with Us

Associating with Heritage Development is a sure guarantee for success of your event.

We frown on mediocrity and employ the highest professional resource and tools in meeting the expectation of our clients.

Get in touch with Us

Associating with Heritage Development is a sure guarantee for success of your event.

We frown on mediocrity and employ the highest professional resource and tools in meeting the expectation of our clients.

Get in touch with Us

Associating with Heritage Development is a sure guarantee for success of your event.

We frown on mediocrity and employ the highest professional resource and tools in meeting the expectation of our clients.

Get in touch with Us

Associating with Heritage Development is a sure guarantee for success of your event.

We frown on mediocrity and employ the highest professional resource and tools in meeting the expectation of our clients.

Get in touch with Us

We have been tested over the years and are proud of our Hallmark.

We don’t compromise on quality.

Event Planning, Organisation & Management

We are the Experts! We offer the best in standards in Conferences, Seminars, Secretarial Services, Rapporteur Services, Simultaneous Interpretation & Translation Services, Live Art and Festivals etc.

Culture & Tourism Development & Promotion

With our experiential culture and tourism outreach and appeal, you can be assured of enhanced value in appreciating the experience!

Information, Education & Communication

With the wealth of experience in research, education and communication, our clients are guaranteed immense satisfaction by associating with us.

About our Company

HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT has considerable national and international experience in the field, is technically resourced, well-grounded and has in its fold the necessary skilled human resource to undertake its obligations and meet the needed challenges posed by any conference or event.

Akunu Dake
Chief Executive Officer

Our Team

At the helm of affairs are experts.

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